Utility Workers Union Are Organizing Columbia Gas

The labor movement has entered a new era across the nation. Workers from virtually every sector are standing up for their rights — and winning. The labor movement has not seen this kind of momentum in years, whether it’s the Writers Guild of America, Amazon, or Kaiser Healthcare workers emerging victorious from work stoppages, or the United Auto Workers fighting against the Big Three manufacturers to protect workers’ rights.

Here in Ohio, utility workers are fighting in that same spirit by launching a statewide organizing campaign for Columbia Gas workers. A majority of workers have signed union cards in two districts already – and we're pushing ahead to sign up Columbia Gas workers across the state. Ohio gas industry workers are tired of being taken advantage of by Columbia Gas and being victimized by a corporation that prioritizes profits over people.

The company is taking harmful, profit-maximizing steps while nickel and diming workers on issues like sick leave for example. The company is demanding more of frontline workers while at the same time failing to meet workers halfway on basic issues like scheduling and training. At the same time, they’re intruding on employee’s freedom and privacy, proposing using new technology to spy on employees throughout their shifts.  

That’s why Utility Workers Union of America organizers are working with Columbia employees and their families to achieve what other union workers have been able to do across the country: negotiate agreements that give them fairness, dignity and respect in their lives.


Read UWUA Local G-555 President Eddie Hall's Full Op-Ed from Columbus Dispatch here


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