Pickerington Public Library Workers Win Union Election

A strong majority of staff (92%) at Pickerington Public Library (PPL) voted to form their union, Pickerington Public Library United Staff (PPLUS), in a secret ballot election administered by Ohio’s State Employment Relations Board. The new union, which includes 25 librarians and library workers, is the third group of Central Ohio library workers to successfully organize with the Ohio Federation of Teachers since 2021.

“I grew up coming to Pickerington Public Library and it has always been a safe space for me,” said Max Duff, a Customer Service Assistant. “Winning our union vote means that my coworkers and I will have a voice in decisions so we can make sure the library remains a safe space for our patrons and our community.” 

PPLUS was organized in affiliation with the Ohio Federation of Teachers (OFT), who represent nearly 20,000 active and retired public school teachers, charter school teachers, school support staff, higher education faculty and staff, library workers and social work professionals in Ohio. They join librarians and library workers from Worthington Libraries and Grandview Heights Public Library who have also joined OFT in recent years. 

“This is part of a continuing groundswell of library workers who feel they need a strong, organized voice that allows them to speak up for themselves and their patrons, serve their communities, and protect intellectual freedom,” said Melissa Cropper, President of the Ohio Federation of Teachers. “Our members across Ohio – in public libraries, K-12 schools, community and technical colleges, and social service agencies – are excited to welcome Pickerington Public Library workers into our union.” 


Read more about the victory here


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