Emilia Sykes Joins Labor Roundtable Discussion

Congresswoman Emila Sykes joined dozens of union leaders from the Akron/Canton region to discuss a variety of workforce issues including her role as a member of the Transportation Committee, which is delivering positive results for the region.


"We want to thank you, Congresswoman Sykes, for helping lead the effort to address safety issues for our public transit drivers," said Wayne Cole, President of TWU Local 1. "We brought this to your attention and you quickly acted to protect our members. Thank you for that."


From her time in the Ohio Statehouse to now in Congress, Emilia Sykes has always had the back of working people.


"Emilia Sykes has spent her time in public service standing up for working people and supporting union organizing. In the Ohio Statehouse, she stood with us to stop Senate Bill 5, the attack on public employee collective bargaining, and now in her role on the Transportation Committee in Congress she is ensuring that our tax dollars are used to effectively develop high-wage jobs, using American-made steel and products,” said Ohio AFL-CIO President Tim Burga.


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