Ohio Business Leaders Support Redistricting Reform Amendment

Business leaders from Ohio are standing in support of a proposed constitutional amendment that would change the way redistricting occurs in the state by removing politicians from the process in favor of a citizen commission.

“One crucial aspect of ensuring a robust representative democracy are legislative districts that ensure fair representation of the voting population,” an open letter from 67 Ohio business leaders stated. “The sad reality in Ohio is that political leaders of both parties have abused the system.”

The letter was released via the Leadership Now Project, a national group of business leaders, and organized by a senior advisor to the project, Ohio Business Roundtable co-founder Richard Stoff.

“Extreme gerrymandering reflects poorly on this great state of ours,” Stoff said in a statement announcing the letter, in conjunction with Citizens Not Politicians, the group leading the effort to get redistricting reform on the ballot.

"The fact that labor and business leaders agree gerrymandering is hurting Ohio is just one more example of why Ohioans need to come together from all political spectrums to take the power of map-drawing out of the hands of politicians and put it in the hands of the citizens," said Ohio AFL-CIO President Tim Burga.


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