OCSEA Members Approve 2024-27 State Contract

OCSEA/AFSCME President Chris Mabe reports that OCSEA members have voted YES to ratify a Fact Finder’s Report and a Tentative Agreement (TA) with the state of Ohio.

"The state of Ohio played hardball, but so did we. The members of the OCSEA Bargaining team never backed down and spent many nights fighting on behalf of the members," said President Mabe. "The 12.5% over three years is the biggest pay raise OCSEA has negotiated in nearly 40 years."

The new three-year contract has annual pay raises of 5%, 4.5% and 3%. The State Bargaining Team never offered more than 4-3-2 percent. But were successful in convincing the Fact Finder that the State could afford to pay more.

The 5% pay raise for the first year of the new contract took affect July 1 and will appear in the paycheck that covers the first week of July.

President Mabe also reports that for the first time ever, there’s language in the contract spelling out employee rights for telework and hybrid schedules. Managers can no longer terminate or deny a request for remote work without providing the reason in writing. And there’s more good news concerning healthcare. There are no changes to deductibles or copays, and the State will continue to pay 85% of premiums.


Read more on the agreement here


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