Dayton-Miami Valley Labor Council Hosts Annual "Take Your Kids Fishing" Event

The Dayton-Miami Valley held their annual "Take Your Kids Fishing" event at Lakeside Park to a great turnout. In 2017, the Ohio AFL-CIO along with the Dayton-Miami Labor council coordinated with local labor, the Union Sportsmen's Alliance and the community to clean the lake and surrounding foliage to revitalize the fishing area.

Since then, the Labor Council has held its annual fishing event, where kids can learn to fish while receiving a free fishing pole, t-shirt and lunch.

"Labor union members have always been active in bettering our communities, and this is just another example of how everyday rank-and-file members step up to make Dayton just a little bit better for our kids," said Diane Walsh, Executive Secretary of the Dayton-Miami Valley AFL-CIO.

The lake was stocked just before the event, so it wasn't surprising to see many kids catching their first fish ever.

"We have both experienced angles and first-time casters. In true union fashion, those with experience step in to help the new kids to ensure they have a positive experience. It is a true labor value that we help one another and it warms my heart to see that at this event," said Tom Ritchie, President of the Dayton-Miami Valley AFL-CIO.

The Union Sportsmen’s Alliance (USA) is a union-operated, union-dedicated, conservation organization. It is committed to uniting the more than six million active and retired AFL-CIO trade union members who hunt, fish, shoot and recreate outdoors into one community with a shared commitment to educate future generations of sportsmen and sportswomen, conserve healthy wildlife habitat and volunteer their time and skills for projects that improve outdoor access for all.

Learn more about the USA here

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